Filling-the-Pipeline-Part-IWelcome to this three part series on how to fill your pipeline with new customer leads.

Growing your business is important and the best way to do that is to have a plan to keep your pipeline filled with new leads. There are six ways to fill your pipeline.

They are:

  1. Advertising
  2. Events
  3. Writing & Publicity
  4. Public Speaking
  5. Networking & Referral Building
  6. Direct Contact & Follow-Up

In this first blog we’ll cover Advertising and Events.

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half.”

– John Wanamaker

Advertising has changed so much and is continuing to change. When television first started, an ad on one of the three networks could reach 70 percent of the people watching. Now with cable networks and DVRs that number has dropped significantly. But companies still advertise so it’s not all bad. You just really need to know your audience. You’ll want to focus your advertising dollars on very specific targets like your state medical journal or perhaps local publication that has the same target market as your pharmacy.

Events are a great way to grow your business, get people engaged with you and possibly even make some money as well. But they’re also time consuming and can be expensive to produce. The key to a successful event is planning and preparation. Check out this guide for planning marketing events from HubSpot. You’ll have to give them your contact info to download it but it’s filled with valuable information from planning to post-event.

Next month we’ll cover Public Speaking and Writing & Publicity. We’d love to hear your tips on how to fill the pipeline. Leave a comment below!

For more on marketing your pharmacy, be sure and check out the ACA’s Education CEnter for videos on marketing.