ACA is an organization that develops and supports entrepreneurs and mentors in pharmacy and we need strong professionals like you to help advance that vision.

Your support and involvement in these committees will enhance the future of ACA and its activities.   Committee meetings will be held via e-mail or conference call, two to four times per year.

If you would like to volunteer to serve on a committee, please fill out the Committee Volunteer Form below.

If you have any questions, please contact
Linda Cathey, ACA Director of Membership Services
901.383.8119 office 


Admissions Committee

The Admissions Committee shall be composed of a Chair and Co-Chair, appointed by the President, and additional Fellows in good standing with ACA who request to serve on the Committee.

The Admissions Committee shall be responsible for the processing and disposition, in accordance with the ACA Bylaws, of all applications for admission to membership, and for ensuring that applicants for membership meet established standards for membership.


  • To process and verify all applications for Fellowship.
  • To conduct interviews and recommend applicants to the Board of Directors.
  • To review admissions standards annually, and make recommendations for modifications, as appropriate.

Constitution and By-Laws & Governance Committee

The Constitution and By-Laws and Governance Committee shall be composed of a Chair to be appointed by the committee members and additional Fellows (one of whom shall be the Treasurer) in good standing with ACA who request to serve on the Committee.

To help ensure that the Constitution and By-Laws of ACA reflect current pharmacy practice standards and social environment, and to oversee the process and governance by which the ACA functions.


  • To review the Constitution and By-Laws periodically and to present proposed modifications when necessary.
  • Perform an annual review of the ACA Governance Policies and Procedures to ensure compliance.
  • Oversee the annual distribution and collection of all conflict of interest forms to staff and Board members.
  • Review annual conflict of interest forms to ensure that all conflicts are disclosed and handled appropriately.
  • Perform an annual review of the ACA Governance Policies and Procedures and make recommendations for modifications, when necessary.
  • Report annually to the Board on the compliance of ACA to the Governance Policies and Procedures that are in place.

Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee

The Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee shall be composed of a minimum of five (5) members, including the chair, who are active members of ACA. The Vice President serves as Chairman.

The Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee is charged with maintaining and enforcing standards of professional conduct and ethics within the ACA.


  • At least annually, review the “Standards for Membership” of ACA and make recommendations for modification as appropriate.
  • Gather facts and use the information to make recommendations to the ACA Board or Executive Committee as appropriate.
  • Review and respond to cases of possible or actual misconduct by members, those seeking membership and/or others associated with ACA.
  • Respond in a timely manner to ethical issues.
  • Continually assess members’ ethics education needs and interests, and work with the Program Committee to see that these needs are addressed.
  • Develop policy recommendations for ethics education programming.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall be composed of the Board of Directors and a minimum of five (5) members who are active members of ACA. All membership categories should be represented.  The President Elect serves as Chairman.

To increase membership in each Region. To represent and monitor the needs of the membership and ensure a strong membership structure and benefits package.


  • To arrange for an officer to visit at least one (1) meeting of every local or state chapter each year, if such chapters have been established.
  • To assist Regional Directors in appointing and training state directors.
  • To distribute information requirements for Fellowship.
  • To publicize the aims, purposes and accomplishments of the College, particularly in journals and newsletters distributed by the pharmaceutical industry, state pharmacy associations, etc.
  • To encourage outstanding professional pharmacists to apply for membership in the College.
  • To make records available to the Admissions Committee and any information on qualifications of applicants.

Mentoring Committee

The Mentoring Committee shall be chaired by the ACA’s Past Chairman of the Board and shall be composed of Fellows and Members in good standing with the College.

To build relationships between existing ACA Fellows and newly inducted Fellows, sharing knowledge and personal experiences. In addition, the mentor provides advice on how the mentee can develop his or her skills, competencies, knowledge, and experience in order to have successful Pharmacy practice.


  • Maintain open communication with all participants and actively solicit feedback.
  • Follow-up with participants on a regular basis.
  • Share relevant knowledge, ideas and experience.
  • Encourage participation in committees, training, conferences, etc.

Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee shall be composed of Fellows in good standing with the College in addition to the ACA President and Past Presidents. The immediate Past President serves as Chairman.

To recognize and seek qualified nominees for the Vice President position of the association and recipient for the J. Leon Lascoff Memorial Award.


  • Review requirements for nominees.
  • Review duties of each elected officer as outlined in the Bylaws.
  • Provide ACA with a slate of officers that is balanced in terms of new as well as experienced officers.
  • Provide ACA with a slate of officers that is balanced in terms of membership (e.g. ACA, ACVP, demographics, etc.).
  • To evaluate and select recipients of the J. Leon Lascoff Memorial Award.

Program Committee

The Program Committee shall be chaired by the President of ACA and shall be composed of all membership catagories. The ACA Continuing Education Coordinator shall serve as the staff liaison for the Committee.

To evaluate the continuing education needs of ACA members, and develop programming that is responsive to those needs, in compliance with ACPE Standards and Guidelines.


  • Identify topics and faculty for association meeting educational programming.
  • Evaluate speakers and programming during education program presentations.
  • Assist staff in identifying the most effective education delivery methods.
  • Assist staff in identifying financially efficient education techniques and methods to be incorporated into future programming.
  • Ensure that the educational needs of ACA members are met and balanced.

Upcoming Committee Meetings
