With a membership in ACA, student pharmacists are able to access amazing benefits, scholarships, and networking opportunities.
Student Pharmacist Membership Benefits
- Student Pricing on Compounding Training Courses, conferences, and webinars
- Student Pharmacist Members are eligible to serve on selected ACA committees
- Students may arrange for ACA to be a rotation location
- Your ACA student pharmacist membership provides access to a growing list of pharmacies and teaching hospitals that offer training experiences in pharmacy to student pharmacists, including job shadows, internships, IPPEs, APPEs, and residencies.
- Eligible to apply for scholarships from the American College of Apothecaries Research and Education Foundation
- Pharmacists Mutual | ACA Foundation Community Pharmacy Scholarship ($2,500 award) APPLICATION INFORMATION
- George Malmberg Scholarship for Compounding Excellence APPLICATION INFORMATION
ACA Membership Terms and Conditions