ACA is hosting an important Town Hall Meeting to discuss the proposed changes to our association’s Constitution and Bylaws. This meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 23 at 8:00 pm EDT/ 7:00 pm CDT via Zoom.

Please watch the video above (no sound) to learn more about the key changes in the proposed revisions and plan to join us on October 23. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Please check your email for a registration link or log into the member portal.

If you are unable to attend, the meeting will be recorded and available for later viewing.

To make sure we address as many questions as possible, we encourage you to submit your questions in advance to Linda Cathey at

Summary of Proposed Changes to the ACA Constitution and Bylaws

The proposed changes to the Constitution and Bylaws of the American College of Apothecaries, Inc. (ACA) are intended to modernize the ACA’s governance structure, making it more efficient and reflective of current professional standards. These changes involve significant restructuring and reorganization of sections, particularly by moving many detailed standards and criteria to a separate Governance Document.

Members are encouraged to review these changes carefully, attend the ACA Town Hall Meeting on October 23, and provide feedback to ensure that the updated Constitution and Bylaws align with the ACA’s collective vision and goals.

  • Objectives
    • Simplification of language for clarity and focus, emphasizing dissemination of information relevant to professional practice and mentoring members for leadership roles.
    • Enhanced focus on collaboration with local, state, and national pharmacy associations.
    • Reduction of redundant objectives to streamline the mission statement.
  • Membership
    • Simplification of membership categories to only Fellows and Members.
    • All members will have voting rights, but only Fellows can serve as elected officers.
    • Remove specific membership categories such as Pharmacy Technician, Pharmacy Marketer, and others to simplify the structure.
    • Specific criteria and detailed standards for practice for Fellows, Pharmacist Members, Pharmacy Technicians, and Pharmacy Marketers would be moved to the Governance Document.
  • Officers and Board of Directors
    • Redefinition of officer roles and the composition of the Executive Committee.
    • Removal of the Executive Vice President and Treasurer role, replacing them with a Senior Management Officer and a combined Secretary/Treasurer. Note that TN law requires that the Secretary be a member of the association.
    • Establish a more flexible structure for the Board of Directors, including up to eight Directors and eliminating geographical regions.
  • Committees
    • Move the composition, objectives, and duties of Standing Committees to the Governance Document.
    • ACA Officers will no longer automatically serve as committee chairs. ACA Officers and Directors must serve on at least one committee.
  • General Provisions
    • Introduction of an equal opportunity statement to prevent discrimination.
    • Adoption of Roberts Rules of Parliamentary Procedure for conducting business.


Why make these changes now?

The proposed changes aim to enhance organizational efficiency, governance, and flexibility while maintaining high standards and member involvement. Moving detailed operational and membership criteria to a Governance Document streamlines the Bylaws, focusing on high-level governance structures and processes. A separate Governance Document for detailed standards allows for more flexibility, ongoing review and approval, and responsiveness to changes without formal Bylaws amendments.

As the pharmacy profession has changed, ACA members have made significant modernizing changes to our Constitution and Bylaws. For example, ten years ago, there was no place in ACA for a staff pharmacist or PIC who wasn’t also a pharmacy owner. Since then, we’ve also welcomed new practitioners, international pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, marketers, and other pharmacy professionals to our ranks.

Does this change what it means to be an ACA Fellow?

No, the proposed Constitution and Bylaws don’t change the criteria for Fellowship; they simply move that section, along with the sections detailing the criteria for other membership categories and the standards of practice, to the Governance Document. The Board of Directors will determine the standards, procedure for selection, and requirements for maintaining the Fellow designation.

Why expand voting rights?

We believe that, as a membership organization, all members should be able to participate in the governance process. Expanding voting rights to non-pharmacist members demonstrates our commitment to representing pharmacy professionals.

Why change the committees?

Under the old Constitution and Bylaws, ACA Officers were automatically assigned to chair specific standing committees. In theory, this meant that those committees always had a chairman. In practice, it meant that Officers were wearing too many hats, and sometimes the wrong hats for their interests and skills. Additionally, the committees had a lack of continuity at the leadership level. This change will allow non-board members to take leadership roles in the committee and foster member engagement.

What about the Regional Directors?

All members will be eligible to serve as ACA Directors. By eliminating Fellowship status and geographic region restrictions for the Directors, ACA will increase board representation and opportunities for member participation.

What if I have questions?

That’s understandable. Please don’t hesitate to contact Dixie Leikach, Chair of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, your current Regional Director, or any ACA Officers.