

2023-06-13T12:57:05-05:00June 6th, 2023|Categories: Community Pharmacy, News Release, Pharmacy Practice|Tags: , , |

Things You Should Know About Preparation For USP Changes

On Monday, June 12, 2023, ACA Compounding Faculty presented an open forum, open to all pharmacy professionals, about preparing for the upcoming USP Changes, how to prepare, what you should know. These changes will go into effect on November 1, 2023.  Will you be READY?

Host:  Ernie Gates, RPh, FACA


  • Denise Frank, RPh, FACA, FAPC
  • Brenda Jensen, CPhT, CNMT, MBA
  • Lisa Ashworth, BS Pharm, RPh, BCSCP, FACA

Recording – CLICK HERE
Audio Only – CLICK HERE




Say that Again? Community Pharmacy’s Role in Identifying Untreated Hearing Loss

2023-05-31T15:55:33-05:00May 12th, 2023|Categories: Community Pharmacy, News Release, Pharmacy Practice|Tags: , , |

According to the National Institutes of Health, about 1 in 6 U.S. adults ages 18 and over reports some trouble hearing — approximately 37.5 million U.S. adults—but less than half (46.0 percent) of them have seen a doctor or other health professional about their hearing or ear problems in the last five years.

Untreated hearing loss significantly impacts an individual’s quality of life and contributes to high health care spending. A JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery study showed that untreated hearing loss was associated with $22,434 higher total health care costs per person over a 10-year period compared with costs for those without hearing loss.

Additionally, untreated hearing loss impacts individual’s quality of life and mental health. It can lead to isolation, and has been associated with serious conditions such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, dementia, reduced mobility, and falls.

Making hearing health care more accessible and affordable is a public health priority, especially as the number of older adults in the U.S. continues to grow.

While prescription hearing aids have been available for years, NIH data shows that only one in four adults who could benefit from hearing aids has ever used them.

To address this public health issue, in October 2021, the FDA formally proposed a rule to establish the new OTC hearing aids category for adults with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss. Finalized in August 2022, the final rule allows hearing aids within this category to be sold directly to consumers in stores without a medical exam or a fitting by an audiologist.  Overall, among those reporting that they have trouble hearing, nearly two-thirds (62.6 percent) say that they have mild hearing loss, defined as “a little trouble hearing.”

The Role of Community Pharmacy

Community pharmacies are well-positioned to reach these individuals, who may not be aware of the recent availability of OTC hearing aids. OTC hearing aids that are FDA-compliance are usually more affordable than prescription hearing aids and can be FSA/HSA/HRA-eligible.

As the most accessible health care provider, pharmacists should be prepared to answer questions about OTC hearing devices and have the opportunity to discuss hearing screenings for patients during consultations.

Learn how to add a new clinical service to your pharmacy by offering in-store hearing tests and offering OTC hearing aids for adults with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss. Hearing aids for more severe hearing loss or for users younger than age 18 remain prescription devices.

Unlocking the OTC Hearing Aid Marketplace

Join ACA Corporate Member Soundwave Hearing for a 30-minute webinar on “Unlocking the OTC Hearing Aid Marketplace” and receive more information on how your pharmacy can get started with their testing and OTC hearing aid solutions.

This activity will not offer CE credit.


Unlocking the OTC Hearing Aid Marketplace

Recordings Available On-Demand

Anthony Florek
President, Soundwave Hearing LLC

Anthony has thirty plus years of medical device Sales and Marketing experience developed at leading medical equipment and consumer product companies, including Johnson and Johnson, Allergan Medical Optics and Beltone (GN Hearing Care). Anthony brings 15 years of experience from the traditional hearing aid industry and leads the development of the business model and value proposition at Soundwave Hearing.

Scroll down to register.

Opportunities in Wellness: Integrating Advanced Point Of Sale Functional Testing in Community Pharmacy

2023-08-02T10:30:28-05:00January 5th, 2023|Categories: Community Pharmacy, Functional Testing, Pharmacy Practice|Tags: , , , |

Functional testing focuses on physiological function (i.e. how the body functions at a biological level), rather than the presence of markers of disease. Community pharmacies are well-positioned to offer functional testing to patients who want a clear picture of their unique health needs and to also provide nutritional and lifestyle intervention. This presentation will provide examples and evidence-based information on the concept of integrating Advanced Point Of Sale Functional Testing in the pharmacy practice, including stool testing, breath testing, saliva testing, dried urine testing, food intolerance testing, and others. Advanced Point of Sale Functional Testing has the potential to increase pharmacy revenue, improve patient outcomes, and expand the scope of the pharmacist and pharmacy technician without requiring a CLIA waiver.

Now available On-Demand

ACA & ACVP Members: $20
Non-Members: $35

Learning Objectives :

  1. Identify the different types of available testing to patients and the regulations.
  2. Discuss the different types of advanced point of sale functional testing.
  3. Discuss when to use the various types of advanced point of sale functional testing in practice.
  4. Identify which type of training is recommended to offer advanced point of sale functional testing.
  5. Compare the potential benefits and challenges to the patient and the practice.

Hillary Howell, PharmD, CCN, FACA

As a young teenager, Hillary worked as a pharmacy technician until graduating high school in 1998. Her passion for medicine led her to enroll in the Doctor of Pharmacy program at Ferris State University and graduated in 2004. Shortly after graduating, she married her high school sweetheart and took a position as a retail staff pharmacist at a local pharmacy chain. This ultimately led to a manager position with the same company. Hillary has two children, Hunter and Tanner, which she adores. 10 years into her position as a manager, her husband James was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer, leiomyosarcoma of the prostate. During his journey, the family decided to look into alternative treatments using both conventional and alternative therapies. Sadly, James’ journey ended 18 months later. As a single mother, Hillary decided to take her career in a new direction. She opened Michigan’s first integrative cash based pharmacy, Apothecary & Co, in 2019, focusing on helping others to find their root cause instead of applying a “bandaid”. Apothecary & Co proudly specializes in compounding, point of care testing, and functional medicine consulting. Since opening in 2019, Hillary received her Certified Clinical Nutrition designation in 2021. She is currently pursuing a certification program through the Institute for Functional Medicine. Besides the love for functional medicine, her other passion is medicinal herbalism leading her to complete coursework through Rosemary Gladstar’s The Science of Art and Herbalism program.

Men and COVID Severity—New Research That Links Them. What Are the Implications?

2023-01-05T09:40:33-06:00September 27th, 2022|Categories: COVID-19, Pharmacist Training, Pharmacy Technician, Risk Management|Tags: , , |

Pharmacists/Technicians will have better understanding of why men suffered more severely from COVID-19 than women, and what that can mean in other acute, viral conditions. Pharmacist will be better equipped to discuss relative health risks/benefits of testosterone in cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer.  Thus, the pharmacist/technician will be able to engage with and educate both physicians and patients on the information discussed regarding testosterone.


Webinar Attendee: FREE
ACA & ACVP Members: $20
Non-Members: $35

Learning Objectives :

  1. Describe medical literature linking low Testosterone in men with severity of Covid-19.
  2. Discuss why low testosterone exerts this effect in men with Covid-19.
  3. Describe the latest literature discussing testosterone in relationship to cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer.
  4. Choose useful ways to find current medical literature on testosterone.

Register for On-Demand Webinar here:

Bruce Biundo, RPh, B.S, FACA,  joined PCCA as a pharmacy consultant in 1997 after many years as a community pharmacist. What is likely the first educational event on low testosterone in men was presented by Bruce at the PCCA International Seminar in April 1999. In a short time, the interest grew and over the intervening years, the breadth and depth of information has greatly increased. As Bruce’s knowledge increased, so did PCCA’s ability to educate pharmacists and physicians on how to diagnose and treat low testosterone in men. Over the years, Bruce has had a dozen articles published, mostly dealing with men’s health and testosterone topics. In addition, he was a contributor to Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy, 22nd Edition, and is the co-author of the chapter on Nutrition in the book Aging Men’s Health. Bruce retired from PCCA in December 2021 but continues to provide compounding education.

INDUSTRY UPDATE: USP 795 & Quality Nonsterile Compounds Webinar

2022-09-27T15:25:52-05:00September 13th, 2022|Categories: Pharmacist Training, Pharmacy Technician, USP 795|Tags: , |

USP has proposed revisions to chapter <795> which creates minimum standards for compounding of nonsterile dosage forms for both human and animal patients. Attendees will learn about the changes from the current version of USP <795>, highlight key themes in the proposed changes, and prepare themselves to meet or exceed these new standards. In addition, attendees will learn how some the concepts coincide with the FDA’s Insanitary Conditions Guidance document and the role this currently plays in pharmacy practice.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022
12 Noon Eastern / 11:00 am Central / 10:00 am Mountain / 9:00 am Pacific

ACA & ACVP Members: FREE
Non-Members: $20

Learning Objectives:

  1. Define the changes in the proposed USP <795> compared to the current USP <795>
  2. Illustrate the role that personnel and appropriate facilities play in limiting potential contamination of nonsterile compounds.
  3. Analyze the key themes of the proposed USP <795> and how they coincide with the FDA’s Insanitary Conditions Guidance
  4. Plan to implement any changes needed for compliance and quality of nonsterile compounds.

This webinar does not offer CE.

Register below. After you register, you will be directed to Zoom to complete your sign up and receive your Zoom webinar links via email.

USP795 Webinar Oct 2022

Matt Martin, PharmD, BCSCP, joined the PCCA Clinical Services team in September 2014 and now serves as Director of Clinical Services. He graduated from Morehead State University with a BS in Chemistry in 2002 and received his PharmD from the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy in 2006. In 2020, Matt became board certified in Compounded Sterile Preparations through the Board of Pharmacy Specialties. Prior to joining the PCCA team, Matt worked in compounding pharmacy for more than eight years and has experience with both sterile and non-sterile preparations.

ACA Exhibits at Puerto Rico Pharmacists Association Meeting

2018-10-11T13:05:36-05:00August 16th, 2018|Categories: News Release|Tags: |

ACA Regional Director Marisol Lopez, RPh, MPH, FACA, FACVP represents the American College of Apothecaries at the Puerto Rico Pharmacists Association (CFPR) Meeting August 16-19 in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.

ACA began teaching Fundamental and Dermatology compounding courses in Puerto Rico in January 2018 thanks to a special arrangement with Columbia Central University in Caguas.

For more information, visit:

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