The Micronutrients: Survey of 13 Vitamins, Deficiencies, Supplements, and Interactions
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Individuals often rely on their pharmacists for advice on the selection and use of nutritional supplements. Yet, many pharmacists practicing today did not enjoy a comprehensive study of vitamins and minerals in their academic education. And those who did may be unaware of recent study findings that have expanded our understanding of how deficiencies and excesses of certain micronutrients may affect health status – and how micronutrients may interact unfavorably with certain medications.
Pharmacists who have a passion for nutrition and wellness should be especially competent in providing advice and counseling on the selection and use of nutritional supplements based on age, gender, health history, complaints, and medication use – with the goal of achieving wellness.
If you have a passion for nutrition & wellness, click below to register:

*If you do not have an NABP number, select “International Pharmacist” or “International Pharmacy Technician” when registering.
Our Speaker:
Quentin Srnka, PharmD, MBA, FACA is a 1968 and 1969 graduate of the University of Tennessee (Memphis) where he received Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy and Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degrees. Upon graduation he served with the Commissioned Corps of the United States Public Health Service, providing pharmacy, laboratory, and X-ray services – and was appointed interim hospital service unit administrator (Indian Health Service Hospital, Duck Valley Reservation, Nevada and Idaho).
During his 31-year tenure as a full-time University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy faculty member, he taught courses ranging from health assessment to community pharmacy marketing and management to counseling and communications. He established and managed a variety of innovative pharmacies associated with the College of Pharmacy and established and managed his own pharmacy in a Memphis suburb.
Dr. Srnka’s career interest has been the pharmacist’s role in the care of common, self-limited health problems. He promoted and popularized the term “self-care consultant” as related to community-based pharmacists and contributed to and edited Self-Care Consulting Guide.
More recently Dr. Srnka served as Executive Vice President / CEO for the American College of Apothecaries (ACA) and American College of Veterinary Pharmacists, establishing ACA’s Health & Wellness Faculty and Compounding Faculty. Quentin is a licensed Alabama pharmacist and resides with his wife Vickie in Alabama and Arizona.