
Nutrition & Wellness Faculty Meeting: A Guide to Recommending Quality Professional Supplements

2024-07-09T16:09:21-05:00July 9th, 2024|Categories: Fellows and Members, networking, Nutrition, nutrition & wellness, Pharmacy Practice|Tags: , , , , |

Join us for a 1 hour webinar on “A Guide to Recommending Quality Professional Supplements”. During Matt Luce’s talk about professional supplements, he will discuss the significance of integrity in the industry. He will highlight how evidence-based formulations play a crucial role in ensuring the effectiveness and safety of supplements. By focusing on Orthomolecular, Luce will offer insights into a respected company that places importance on quality and research in their products. Attendees can anticipate gaining a deeper insight into the professional supplement sector and the key elements that contribute to its reputation and achievements.

Topic: A Guide to Recommending Quality Professional Supplements
Speaker: Matt Luce (Orthomolecular)
Date: August 7, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm Eastern, 12:00 pm Central, 11:00 am Mountain, 10:00 am Pacific

This meeting will be recorded



2024-06-19T07:57:04-05:00June 19th, 2024|Categories: compounding, compounding training, Continuing Education, Member Benefits, networking, News Release, Pharmaceutical Training, Veterinary Compounding|Tags: , , , , , |

In the field of pharmacy, compounding plays a crucial role in providing personalized medications tailored to individual patient needs. Whether you’re a seasoned pharmacist or a pharmacy student eager to expand your skills, attending a compounding course can be very beneficial.

Investing in a compounding course is not just about acquiring technical skills—it’s about elevating the standard of care and advancing pharmacy practice. Whether you’re driven by a passion for patient-centered care, professional growth, or entrepreneurial opportunities, attending a compounding course equips you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to excel in the art and science of pharmaceutical compounding.

Take the initiative to expand your expertise and make a difference in patient health outcomes by enrolling in a compounding course today!

*Apply the code SPRING to enjoy a $70 discount on any pharmaceutical compounding course. Remember—ACA and ACVP members save an additional $200 off non-member prices.  Also, members sending 2 or more staff to the same class save even more!

Click below to view ACA’s pharmaceutical compounding home page:

Faculties: American College of Apothecaries

2023-07-27T15:14:20-05:00July 19th, 2023|Categories: compounding, Member Benefits, networking, Nutrition|Tags: , , , , |

One of the American College of Apothecaries’ strengths is the open sharing of ideas — which historically has been accomplished through in-person meetings. ACA is augmenting these meetings by establishing expert faculties that will assemble using digital technology — including Zoom, Microsoft Teams, email, and online forums. Participation in faculty meetings is intended to increase member engagement, thus facilitating peer-to-peer networking and relationship building.

Member in all classes:
Faculty participation is optional and offered to ACA members at all individual membership levels, which include our Fellows, pharmacists, student pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, pharmacy marketers, and affiliates. Faculties will thus seasoned pharmacy professionals to interact and share their expertise and experiences with others who have high interest levels and are in the process of establishing their expertise. Each faculty will elect a Chair and Chair-Elect who will serve for one-year terms.

Initially two faculties:
1. Compounding Faculty
2. Nutrition & Wellness Faculty

Meetings of faculty:
Meetings of faculty will focus on topics about which members are passionate — and could include but not limited to discussions of specific products, techniques and methods, concepts, issues, and opportunities. Because meetings will not involve the awarding of continuing education credit, the discussions will not be restricted by ACPE guidelines. Hence, speakers at meetings of faculty could include representatives or organizations that provide proprietary items to our members.

Founding faculty sponsors:
ACA is seeking financial support of organizations that are aligned with the expertise and interests of one or more of our faculties — and that desire to be designated “Founding Faculty Sponsor”.

*For additional information please contact:
Linda Cathey, Faculty Membership Coordinator —

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